sebenarnya dah kehabisan idea tema apa nak digubah pada birthday kek dia kali ni. hampir kesemua cartoon kegemarannya dah dijadikan tema kek for birthday yang lepas2 i.e spongebob, diego, spiderman except for ben10. sebab ben10 dah terover expose ssangat kenalah cari tema lain. since my son ni peminat f1 particularly team brawn (as of last season lah...) so i decided untuk apply tema race car pada kek birthday nya. the above was my first attempt mereplicate race car team brawn menggunakan a mixture of gumpaste and fondant.
cmc and carrot walnut cuppies yang dirias bentuk racing track ni was inspired by original design by ratukek. the race track sengaja dibentuk angka 6 menyamai usia fahmi. ermm the no. 6 senget sikit nampaknya ye? owh well i should practice more. you can view more of ratukek's fantastic work at facebook.