doll barbie ini juga provided by yasmin. inilah kali pertama saya buat doll cake menggunakan barbie doll yang lengkap berkaki. agak mencabar juga nak sorokkan her gorgeous sexy legs dalam kek ;-)
nervous juga nak copy rekaan gown annaliese ni especially the upper bodice. alhamdulillah rasanya saya sendiri berpuas hati.
now look at the photos below send to me by yasmin. isn't the birthday girl gorgeous macam annaliese? thanks so much yasmin for the challange.
testimony - text from yasmin:
"juz finished party. Omg the cake looks exactly like princess annaliese... Cuma nama silap eja but overall Echa loves it so much..."
nota: kepada yang berminat nak saya hasilkan kek barbie menyerupai mana2 watak, sila ambil perhatian puan2/cik/tuan hendaklah provide barbie doll sendiri. kalau doll cake biasa everything is on me. tq.