8" square choc moist fondant cake
colour theme: tiffany blue (ribbons) & white
order by aiza mahyuni for nikah hantaran di muar, johor
bila yuni kata nak tema warna tiffany blue, saya agak tergemam pada mulanya. i know biru ada banyak shades but i've never come acroos tiffany blue. well, a request is a request maka saya google dan saya dapati tiffany blue is a patented shade of blue by the famous jewelry manufacturer tiffany & co. pelajaran baru buat saya! warnanya is something between soft baby blue with a hint (just a light hint of turqoise), maaf kalau description saya kurang tepat but at least that's how i see the colour.
so sorry yuni sebab saya terlupa nak tanggalkan gumpalan tisu dari gumpaste ribbons. they were there to hold up the shapes, tapi bagus juga tak tanggal at least until the cakes safely reached muar, boleh minimise risk patah or becomes flat again.
16pcs choc moist cuppies
dalam warna tema yang sama
decorated with tiffany blue fondant ribbons.